Episode 41: Words

May 23, 2018


We listen to some poetry as a warm-up and discuss the importance of the words that we choose to use in our medical documentation.  Words matter! They can generate stigma, and they can bias the decisions we subsequently make as practitioners.

The article we discuss is Do Words Matter? Stigmatizing language and the transmission of bias in the medical record by P Goddu A, et al. Our answer? A resounding yes!

If you’d like to read more of Art’s poetry you can order his book on Amazon (and feel free to leave a review :-)) or if you’re in Auckland, stop by the Unity Books on High Street. You can also follow his poetic endeavors at his poetry blogsite or on the Two Hemispheres Poetry Facebook page.

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Belinda S
Belinda S
5 years ago

I am a nurse, I am a painter, I am a mother, I am a partner, I am hollow most of the time. I feel like I am meant to hold onto those identities as you say re apply them remind myself who that is. I feel relief and pure rare joy when I forget for a moment and am reminded that I am just alive. Thank you for sharing your words I was reminded.

6 years ago

Hey – Art, your first poem in the episode is gorgeous – evocative, full of longing and a tangible hope, even in the face of your uncertainty. The impression on the sheets idea – gorgeous. Thank you for putting yourself on the line and sharing yr words 🙂

Barbara Salas
Barbara Salas
6 years ago

Loved the episode and the Art’s poetry!! Really enjoyed it!
Congratulations on your new book!!

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