About Dr Dhaliwal
Dr. Gurpreet Dhaliwal is professor of clinical medicine at UCSF and has written many articles in the realm of clinical reasoning. Although you have already heard snippets of our conversation on prior episodes, we thought we would share the entire interview with all of you. Gurpreet has an enlightening way of explaining how we think, and how we move from good clinicians to expert clinicians, through extended problem-solving and feedback.
Hear Dr. Dhaliwal expand the idea of how experienced clinicians can become ‘expert’ clinicians in an excellent Grand Round presentation at the University of Washington entitled Clinical Judgement: Good to Great.
Here’s a short video of Dr. Dhaliwal discussing the problem of designing a computer program to augment clinical reasoning.
If you’d like to leave a comment about this episode, give us feedback or suggest topics for future episodes, please click the comments link on the upper left of this page.
Dr Dhaliwal mentioned that having “plenty in the hard drive” is always important even with the most refined diagnostic reasoning skills. With the massive expansion in medical knowledge that continues to explode on a daily basis, I feel it is increasingly challenging to judge what is high-yield (overused phrase, my apologies) enough to commit to memory. If IM Reasoning could memorise one textbook or resource, in its entirety, what would it be and why?
Thanks for the question Daniel. This is Steven (Web Editor) answering for Art and he suggests that UpToDate is probably the best resource to go to for expanding your medical knowledge. Hope that helps!