58:52 MINS

Episode 15: Feedback

July 26, 2017

In this episode, we begin our foray into the topic of feedback.  You will hear us “worry out loud”,  together with our guest Dr. Chris Watling from the University of Western Ontario, about the difficulties in giving effective feedback to our trainees.

Several themes arise from our conversation.  Feedback needs to be specific, credible, and not soul-destroying (although ironically, we each shared some of our most traumatic feedback experiences as the most memorable, and influential, course-correcting moments).  How we give and receive feedback is not only dependent on the individuals involved but also importantly on the culture of the discipline; medical training culture is different from musical training, different from athletic training.

Also, keep an “ear” out for our new segment, the BOM (Bias of the Month). Enjoy!


A few relevant and interesting articles by Dr. Chris Watling:

Learning culture and feedback: an international study of medical athletes and musicians.

Unfilled promise, untapped potential: Feedback at the crossroads.

Beyond individualism: professional culture and its influence on feedback.

Toward meaningful evaluation of medical trainees: the influence of participants’ perceptions of the process.

To participate in the Human Diagnosis Project and Morning Report click HERE.

Click HERE for a Goodreads review of The Laws of Medicine: Field Notes from an Uncertain Science by Siddhartha Mekherjee.

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Lucile Saldivar
Lucile Saldivar
5 years ago


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Chris Bacchus
Chris Bacchus
5 years ago

Great info, great interview – thanks. It reminded me of an article I read some time ago about the influence of positive affect on clinical problem solving. You may be familiar with it (link below). After listening to your podcast and then re-reading this article I am wondering on the usefulness versus risk of trying to improve (induce) a learner’s (or anyone’s?) positive affect (by telling them they are better than they really are in this research example) in order to cause a greater efficiency in decision making. Do you have any comments or possibly a topic to explore for… Read more »

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