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Conversations to inspire critical thinking in clinical medicine and education

Welcome to IM Reasoning with your hosts Dr. Art Nahill and Dr. Nic Szecket, two general internists with a passion for teaching clinical reasoning.

Join us for case discussions, conversations and interviews that explore issues important to medical students, trainees and practitioners of clinical medicine, with a special focus on clinical reasoning, the once-mysterious process behind the remarkable abilities of the master clinician.

Hot off the mic.
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Stephanie Davis
Stephanie Davis
7 years ago

Hi Nic and Art, I’ve recently been listening to your fantastic podcast and really enjoying this. I’m a public health physician who works part time as a supervisor on the Australian Field Epidemiology Program, and part time as a GP registrar and so I have been finding your podcast interesting from both the angle of improving my clinical reasoning, as well as the teaching and training angle. As part of my work on the Australian Field Epi Training program I’ve recently been looking at how we train people in outbreak response, and particularly at aspects of supervision – it’s an… Read more »

David Berger
David Berger
7 years ago

Nic and Art,

I am a colleague of Casey’s in Broome and he sent me the link. This is a fantastic podcast, interestingly presented and with what is a novel take, but which resonates so deeply with our everyday experience as diagnosticians in this complex environment.

Keep it up!

All best,

David Berger

Casey Parker
8 years ago

Hi Nic and Art

Just discovered your excellent podcast… somehow managed to evade me despite many shared ideas!
Will be giving you guys a plug for our education sessions and to the wider audience out there in the ether!
Great stuff
Keep it up

Dr Casey Parker

8 years ago

Dr Nahil
I am listening to this great series
I was your house surgeon 9 years ago in Auckland Hospital I am a rural Gp in Australia
I find this very very useful
And very interesting

Michael Garfinkle
8 years ago

Thanks for plugging my diagnostic iOS app DxLogic on one of your recent podcasts! If you didn’t know, I did release it for Android a few months ago too. Finally, it can be accessed from any desktop device at

Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions about my project.

Jimmy Chance
Jimmy Chance
8 years ago

Hi Dr. Szecket and Dr. Nahill, Thanks for the latest episode on the evidence behind various clinical signs, I found it particularly fascinating as I have often wondered about the evidence of a lot of the historic practices that we continue to use. Just the other day I put in a request form for a CTPA for a woman in whom I suspected a PE (Wells score = 7) and I wrote on the form “Left leg positive Homan’s sign.” I know you said on the podcast “we shall never mention Homan’s sign again,” as I now know that it… Read more »

Nyein Oo
Nyein Oo
8 years ago

Hi Nic and Art

Stump the chumps is superb! It’s excellent and fun and also make us easy to memorize the case and the disease. I remember symptoms and signs of AOSD now 🙂 Please kindly do more of these. I love this episode so much plus the jokes 😀 Thanks a million for teaching an interesting case.

Randy Goldberg
Randy Goldberg
8 years ago

Suggestion: when doing Stump the Chumps, please include US values for labs. Those of us listening in the US are completely lost with your SI values…

Randy Goldberg
Randy Goldberg
8 years ago

I’m a hospitalist and clinical faculty at New York Medical College/Westchester Medical Center, in the suburbs of New York City. I was privileged, twice this year, to meet Dr. Jeff Wiese from Tulane in New Orleans. Jeff lectures often on clinical reasoning. I strongly recommend his book “Teaching in the Hospital,” which provides both a framework for thinking and teaching, and a series of Socratic dialogs specifically designed to make learners think about their processes.

Stephen Martin
Stephen Martin
8 years ago

Hello Art and Nic, I’m a GP registrar working in Canberra, Australia and I’ve been using my half hour commute over the past couple of weeks to listen to many of your podcasts. Thank you for your time and energy and good humour, I’m really enjoying them. I have a comment / question about the content in one of the early podcasts – about framing biases and how they impact on the lives of junior doctors. It has been my experience as a junior (intern, resident) that, while working in ED or on the wards that, in order to “sell”… Read more »

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