Our final episode

March 31, 2021

We cannot put this off any longer.  IMreasoning has reached the end of its road.  We had a great 5 years.  We both learned so much, about medicine, about cognition, about the art of teaching, about each other, and about ourselves.

Thank you once again to all of you, our listeners, for sticking with us.  Thank you especially to those who got in touch, and gave us encouragement to continue this project over the past 5 years.

Thank you as well to all of you who appeared and participated in the podcast, to present stump the chumps cases, or to share your expertise in conversation with us.

A special thank you to Steve and Madi who navigated the tech and the socials for us in the final leg of this adventure.  We couldn’t have done this without you.

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Amy Tallon
Amy Tallon
3 years ago

I love this podcast and am so sad it is finishing, will have to go back to the beginning again! I’ve learnt so much from both of you from this podcast and working with you, we’ve been lucky to have such wonderful teachers and communicators, thank you

Sally Alice May Street
Sally Alice May Street
3 years ago

Also, since hearing this end of season podcast, I have been imagining what the fancy computers would come up with if they heard my patients description of their symptoms!! Probably better than what I come up with, but my paediatric patients have an extra special way of describing their symptoms! Hilarious to think how the AI systems would interpret!!!

Sally Alice May Street
Sally Alice May Street
3 years ago

Well I’m simply not accepting that this is the end 🙁 I’ll consider this the end of season 5, but will be hanging out for season six after a short break!!

A season of IM reasoning ‘stump the chumps’!!

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