Stump The Chumps,

Episode 66: STC and reverse STC October, 2020

October 12, 2020



Join us for another instalment of STC (Stump the Chumps) where we tackle another case from HumanDx Global Morning Report.

But first, try your hand at solving a case that Art brought along from his recent ward round.  Good luck!

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Jonathan S
Jonathan S
3 years ago

Thank you both for another interesting opening case. The Type 1 thinking diagnosis crossing my mind was Dressler’s Syndrome, with associated pericardial effusion. The diagnostic and therapeutic procedure being pericardiocentesis.

In reference to your recent publication, I hope I am not falling victim to framing bias : )

An excellent point about not restricting differential diagnoses based on age, with one of my oldest recreational IVDU patients being in their 70’s!

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