56 Mins

Episode 38: Uncertainty in Medicine – Arabella Simpkin

February 21, 2018


We’re back after a long summer break!  Enjoy this episode on uncertainty in medicine.  We talk to Arabella Simpkin, an English paediatrician, working in Boston, who spends a lot of time thinking and writing about uncertainty and our need to embrace it, or at the very least, tolerate it graciously.

If you enjoyed Arabella’s comments, here’s a link to her website called Greyscale Spaces.

Here’s a link to her excellent Perspective piece (along with Richard Schwartzstein) entitled Tolerating Uncertainty- The Next Medical Revolution? from the NEJM.

And finally here’s the link to the AK Ghosh article mentioned in the podcast. A good ‘primer’ on the subject.

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5 years ago

Hi Nic/Art,
Do you have a link to the paper on uncertainty by medical specialties?

5 years ago

Just listened to this podcast on Uncertainty – I found it very helpful, thank you. I grew up in a medical culture where asking for help seemed to be frowned on, and I worked in a rural NZ hospital with very little back up as a junior doctor.

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